Every Monday and Friday in August we’ll be promoting KMPF‘s ‘Back on TrackTransition Programme, which is funded through the Office for Students Uni Connect Programme. Today we’ll be looking at the University for the Creative Art’s Create Calm module.

This module from the University of Creative Arts has been developed to help students increase their awareness of the benefits of creativity for their wellbeing and resilience. Students will be introduced to the importance of creativity and positive wellbeing through a short audio presentation, learning how creative activities can help support good mental health, and top tips for how to stay positive and resilient.

Students will learn how to create a ‘Gratitude Journal’ by viewing a short video workshop recorded by UCA tutor and textiles artist Elizabeth Whibley. The module develops skills in communication and encourages students to switch off from their everyday pressures and reflect on and express their feelings and thoughts. After creating their journal, students are encouraged to continue to use this as something to help them in their own time.

Create Calm is suitable for all students in Years 9-13, regardless of creative abilities and interests. Students do not need to be studying a creative subject to take part. Students will require access to the internet, as well as low-cost accessible materials such as paper and glue in order to complete this module.