New Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities

Feb 2018 - The DfE has published new statutory guidance for Local Authorities on applying corporate parenting principles to looked-after children and care leavers.

Corporate parent guidance

This guidance is about the role of local authorities, and the application of corporate parenting principles as set out in section 1 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017. Local authorities must have regard to the seven needs identified in the Children and Social Work Act when exercising their functions in relation to looked-after children and care leavers (relevant children and former relevant children). It should be read and applied alongside the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Volume 2: care planning, placement and case review and The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Volume 3: planning transition to adulthood for care leavers.

This guidance is designed to help local authorities consider the kinds of services that may be offered when having regard to the corporate parenting principles. It is not intended to be prescriptive about what must be offered. It is expected, however, that services respond to the individual needs of looked after children and care leavers when they exercise their functions in relation to these children and young people.

Download the full guidance document here – Applying_corporate_parenting_principles_to_looked-after_children_and_care_leavers

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