Criminal Injuries Compensation

The Criminal Injuries Compensation scheme is for anyone in England, Scotland and Wales who has been a violent crime victim.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme document

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) was setup in 1964 to administer the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme which is funded by the government to compensate blameless victims of violent crime in Great Britain.

The rules of the scheme and the value of the payments are set by Parliament and calculated by a tariff of injuries.

The size of the award varies to reflect the seriousness of the injury, with the minimum being £1000 and the maximum £500,000.

The CICA handle up to 40,000 applications for compensation each year, paying out up to £200 million to victims.

Kent County Council employs two dedicated Criminal Injuries Compensation Co-ordinators (CICC) to make applications for children in its care. For more information, visit the KCC website.

Kent County Council’s procedure for making applications for criminal injuries compensation on behalf of children in care can be downloaded here.

Download full details from the Ministry of Justice about the scheme here – criminal-injuries-compensation-scheme-2012

For further information visit the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority website here.

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