Canterbury College

Information for care leavers progressing to Canterbury College:

Who can help you at Canterbury College?

We want all students to enjoy, achieve and stay safe during their time with us. We understand that young people who are in care or leaving care may face additional challenges. If this applies to you, the College has various forms of support available. Canterbury College has a Designated Member of Staff (DMS) for Children in Care and Care Leavers:

Kay O’Connell
01227 811111 (ext 2060)

The DMS acts as an initial point of contact for Children in Care and Young Care Leavers, attends PEP meetings and offer advice and guidance.

There is also a team of Student Progression Mentors in the College, and you will be allocated a mentor in the department where you study. The mentor will be your point of contact after enrolment.

Who will help me when I am a student?

The Student Information Centre offers many different services; including disability support, course advice & guidance, personal advice & counselling, careers advice, UCAS support and safeguarding. We can also help with employability advice and support, CVs and job opportunities, applications and interview techniques. The Student Information Centre is on the right when you come in the main College entrance (01227 811188,

The Additional Learning Support Team provide specialist help and support for students with learning difficulties, disabilities and health problems. The support ALS offers includes one-to-one tutorials, in-class support, exam concessions, transition programmes, specialist tutors and adapted material or specialist equipment – 01227 811342 –

Applications and Interviews Visit our website and apply online or pick up an application form from the main reception and post it to our Admissions Team. If you want advice and further information on courses before applying you can speak to our Course Advisers in the Student Information Centre. Many of our courses fill up quickly so we recommend that you apply as early as possible. Once we have received your application form you will be invited to an interview, which is usually held between December and July. This gives you the opportunity to find out everything you need to know about the course and to help you make sure that you have chosen the right course and level for you.
Enrolment At the end of August you will be invited in to enrol. You will need to bring your exam results and a form of ID with you. If, for any reason, you didn’t receive the results you had expected, the please don’t worry as we’ll discuss an alternative route or course for you.
Induction During the first 6 weeks of the first term, you may feel that the programme isn’t quite right for you, or that the environment is not best suited to meet your needs. If this is the case, you can speak to; your tutor, course advisors or the DMS as soon as possible to discuss this and consider other options.
16-19 Guaranteed Bursary Students aged 16-19 who are in care or who have left care are eligible for the 16-19 Guaranteed Bursary of up to £1200. This can help with the costs of coming to college; such as travel, food and equipment. Application forms are available from the Student Information Centre, on the college website or by request from the Funding Team via phone or email – 01227 811197 –
PEPs PEP meetings will be held at Canterbury College and a DMS will attend. The information recorded from the PEP will be uploaded to your ePEP where there is a section for you to complete. You will have at least two PEP meetings each year at college.
English & Maths You will be placed on a Study Programme designed just for you. As well as your main qualification, you will also study Maths and English, unless you have already achieved a C grade in GCSE Maths And English.
Progress Your progress will be recorded at your PEP meeting and your feelings and wishes will be listened to. At the PEP meetings we will also discuss your next steps and any courses that you are interested in progressing on to. You will be invited to an Open Day to speak to course tutors and a careers advisor if necessary.
Health & Well Being To support your health and wellbeing, we have a Counselling service, a ‘Wellbeing Centre’ and designated tutors who support students with their mental health. During enrichment weeks you can choose from a wide range of activities on offer.
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